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Populace manual generation of processing factory

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cellphone pocket
cellphone pocket
Specification: 5
Detail: it have four styles.one is made of cloth with pile, one is made of knitting wool,one is made of silks and satins and the other is made of natural numb.they have many kinds of colour.

cellphone pocket
cellphone pocket
Specification: 5
Detail: it have four styles.one is made of cloth with pile, one is made of knitting wool,one is made of silks and satins and the other is made of natural numb.they have many kinds of colour.

cellphone pocket
cellphone pocket
Specification: 5
Detail: it have four styles.one is made of cloth with pile, one is made of knitting wool,one is made of silks and satins and the other is made of natural numb.they have many kinds of colour.

cotton webbing
cotton webbing
Specification: 10
Detail: it is made of cotton and acylic bead.it have 12 colours.

cotton webbing
cotton webbing
Specification: 10
Detail: it is made of cotton webbing and acylic bead.it have 12 colours.

satin belt
satin belt
Specification: 10
Detail: it is made of silk and satins and acylic head. it have 12 colours.
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